Concept for representation of “Forest Conservation" posters
District Forest Department, Lohardaga (Jharkhand)
In 2021, during the Covid-19 wave, while my friend, Divyanshu was working on his dissertation titled "Artificial regeneration of sal", he visited DFO Lohardaga (Jharkhand), Shri Arvind Kumar who gave us the opportunity to work with the District Forest Department on “Forest Conservation".
We reached the Kisan Banega Hindustan team for the ideas for the slogans while I started working on the concept for the slogan representation.
These slogans were painted on several locations around Lohardaga.
The project got executed end of year 2021. We decided to publish it on the ocassion of the World Forestry Day 2022 for others to refer.
The idea was to represent each slogan related to forest conservation using different art forms of India.

For Example… Maoism is a major issue of concern in Jharkhand. And Sohari paintings of the Santhals of Jharkhand is an art that needs to be revived before it vanishes completely. So, Sohrai can be used as a medium to demonstrate & make people aware about the issue of maoism in our state.
Similarly, this is an artwork by my friend, Rituparna Das inspired from Rajasthani miniature painting depicting the increasing rate of human trafficking in Rajasthan.

Similarly in our case…
1. Kalighat painting

Warli painting

3. Gond painting

Other slogans
- पेड़ पौधे ना करो नष्ट सांस लेने में होगा कष्ट।
- कागज का उपयोग सावधानी से करें ताकि हमारे पेड़ दुर्लभ न बनें।
- करो काम प्रकृति के साथ ना की इसके खिलाफ
- प्रकृति को प्राकृतिक ही रहने दें।
- प्रकृति की रक्षा ही एक मात्र इंसानी रक्षा।।
Contact for any suggestions or queries:
Instagram: @sakshikumari204